Brand Marketer, Creative Director, Writer, Editor, and Fitness Expert
We’re all capable of far more than we know — it’s about time we start discovering what’s truly possible.
The #1 challenge for fitness, wellness, and health experts is helping people realize their true potential and getting them to commit to a program for the long game. Until now.
It’s not the coach, trainer, therapist, doctor, or even the world’s most powerful AI tool. It’s not the workout plan. It’s not the meal plan. It’s not the equipment. It’s not the supplements. It’s not even what you are or are not doing.
It's about you, your desire, your ambition, and drive. Equally important, it’s the people around you everyday.
What we all need is encouraging, like-minded, and purpose-driven friends around us, pushing us, holding us accountable, and picking us up when we get knocked down.
Camaraderie and connection is the X factor.
I’m a lifelong fitness enthusiast with over two decades of experience in the industry. I’ve created several workout plans, collaborated with dozens of other industry experts, and have published hundreds of pieces of content around getting fitter, stronger, and more resilient. Over the last several months, Mo McRae, an award-winning actor, writer, producer, and director, and I have been collaborating on a new venture to bring ambitious, passionate, and creative likeminds together to bring out everyone’s best.
The inability to conquer any struggle or obstacle you come against is not a reflection of your inadequancy in any way. It is merely an opportunity for you to enlist additional resources to help you succeed in your mission. Throughout our time in our respective careers and lives, we've discovered community is probably one of the greatest resources available. So with that understanding, our desire has become to create a community that truly nurtures the ambitions of the those that want to grow holistically.
This is the beginning phase of what will hopefully become a lifelong journey. We look forward to taking this first step with you and hope you find it to be fulfilling and meaningful.